Norma Claire Moruzzi
Director of International Studies Program and Associate Professor
Political Science; and Gender and Women's Studies
Building & Room:
1122A BSB
1007 W. Harrison Street
Office Phone:
CV Link:
Fields of Interest:
Political Theory, Feminist Theory, Politics of Social Identity, Middle Eastern and Islamic Women, Film Studies.
Selected Grants
International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Visiting Research Fellow, May-August 2014
NEH community institution grants, Fall 2013-Spring 2014, Bridging Cultures: Muslim Journeys Bookshelf and Let’s Talk About It, Two related scholar-led reading and discussion community grants, in participation with Wilmette Public Library, Wilmette, IL
UIC Great Cities Faculty Scholar Fellowship, Faculty Scholar Fellow, 2009-2010
UIC Humanities Institute Faculty Fellowship, Faculty Fellow, 2005-2006
Selected Publications
“Through the Looking Glass: Reflexive Cinema and Society in Post-Revolutionary Iran” in Peter Decherney, Blake Atwood, eds., Iranian Cinema in a Global Context: Policy, Politics, and Form (New York: Routledge, 2014), 112-142
“Gender and the Revolutions: Critique Interrupted,” Middle East Report 268, Fall 2013, 2-9 (revised and reprinted in Zapruder World, Vol. 2, Spring 2015)
Kaveh Ehsani, Arang Keshavarzian, Norma Claire Moruzzi, “Tehran, June 2009” Middle East Report Online (MERO), June 28, 2009
“Quiet Leadership and Pressure from Below: Women’s Participation in Iranian Public Life” in Middle East Program Occasional Paper Series, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Fall 2009, 10-14
“Tied Up in Tehran: A Metaphor,” Middle East Report, Spring 2009, No. 250, 18-23
“Trying to Look Different: Hijab as the Self-Presentation of Social Distinctions,”Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008, 225-234
Norma Claire Moruzzi and Fatemeh Sadeghi, “Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire: Young Iranian Women Today” Middle East Report, Winter 2006, No. 241, 22-28
“Strange Bedfellows: The Question of Lawrence Oliphant’s Christian Zionism,” Modern Judaism, Vol. 26, no. 1 (February 2006), 55-73
“Women in Iran: Notes on Film and from the Field,” Feminist Studies, 27/1, Spring 2001, 89-100
Speaking through the Mask: Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Social Identity, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000)
2002 Gradiva Award, Best Book: Social Theory
National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
PhD The Johns Hopkins University, 1990
Research Currently in Progress
From 1998-2008 Prof. Moruzzi regularly conducted field-work in Iran, while also participating in and conducting workshops for women’s groups and contributing to local journals. She is currently writing a book examining changes in Iranian women’s lives since the 1979 Revolution, tentatively titled Tied Up in Tehran: Women, Social Change, and the Politics of Daily Life.