Noah Blakemore Briggs
Graduate Student
Political Science
Pronouns: He/Him/His
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Noah specializes in political theory and comparative policies with a focus on democracy, religion, and populism. His particular interests include modern conceptions of sovereignty, comparative method, and the study of the state.
Service to Community
Noah has served as discussant for the Anarchism panel at the Western Political Science Association conference in 2022 and as a judge for the UIC undergraduate research forum. Noah is a department steward for the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO).
Research Currently in Progress
Noah's research applies a political theological approach to the Modern American Spiritualist movement and its impact on American national identity and political practice. Secondary research addresses topics including political pluralism and agonism in a neo-liberal context. He is the author of a forth-coming book review on Sacred Foundations: The medieval and religious roots of the European state.