Tingting Ding
MA Graduate
Political Science
- Subfields/areas of study: urban politics and political theory
- Research question(s) that interest you: My research interests range over comparative institutional reform, the democratization of authoritarian regimes, inclusive policy-making, informality and modernity in urbanization, and theories of equality and justice. I am particularly interested in researching privatization and its impact on the basic structure of the society, with a specific emphasis on China in comparison with other states.
- Awards, fellowships, or similar accomplishments
- Fall 2017 – Present, in the U.S.
- 2020 John Echols Prize for the Best Graduate Paper on a topic of Comparative Politics/Comparative Policy Analysis
- 2020 Public Service Graduate Internship Award, UIC
- 2020 Chancellor’s Student Service Award, UIC
- 2020 Chicago Consular Corps Scholarship, Chicago Consular Corps & UIC
- Teaching Assistantship (Fall 2018 – Summer 2021), UIC
- Ragsdale Fellowship (2017-2018), UIC
Ph.D. Student, Political Science, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, USA, Fall 2017 - Present
M.A., Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China, 09, 2011 - 06, 2014
B.S., Information and Calculation Science, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
(QUST), Qingdao, China, 09, 2007 - 07, 2011
• Training program
Summer Postgraduate Program in Economic Thoughts, Peking University, Beijing, China, 7, 2016
CATE (Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence ) 2021 Summer Institute, UIC, Chicago, IL, USA, 06-07
Online Teaching and Learning, UIC, Chicago, IL, USA, 05-06, 2020
Summer Postgraduate Program in Economic Thoughts, Peking University, Beijing, China, 7, 2016
Selected Presentations
Ding Tingting, “Justice in The Privatization of Education: Fair Equality of Opportunity and Freedom in School Choice,” December 2020, 1-22 (working paper).
Ding Tingting, “The Variability of The State-Market Relation in The Privatization of Elementary Education in China,” May 2020, 1-39 (working paper).
Ding Tingting, Wang Shirui, and Yu li, “Intergenerational Income Mobility in Urban China - An Estimation Based on Jorgenson-Fraumeni Income Approach,” Economic Theory and Business Management (CSSCI), July 2016, 36 (7): 83-97, http://xsqks.ruc.edu.cn/Jweb_jjll/CN/abstract/abstract12794.shtml.
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Human Capital In China 2012, The 4th International Symposium on Human Capital and The Labor Market & the Release of The China Human Capital Report, December 2012, Beijing, China, http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/rlzbzsxm/zgrlzbzsxm2012/zgrlzbzsbgqw_ywb_.htm
(core team member)
Research Currently in Progress
I am working on the state-market relations in the privatization of primary education and its normative implications. At the same time, I am participating in a project to research racial prejudice in public education policy in the US.