John A. Gardiner, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Political Science
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Fields of Interest:
Policy Implementation, Political Corruption, Regulatory Systems.
Selected Publications
“Defining Corruption,” in Maurice Punch, et al., eds., Coping with Corruption in a Borderless World (Boston: Kluwer, 1993)
“Methods of Preventing and Dealing with Fraud against Government,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Anti-Corruption Conference (Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1990).
“Mobilizing Public Opinion Against Corruption,” (with Kathryn L. Malec) Corruption and Reform (Vol. IV, 1989).
“Varieties of Official Misconduct,” (with Kathryn L. Malec) in Dick Simpson, ed., Chicago’s Future in Time of Change (Champaign: Stipes, 1988)
LLB Harvard University, 1963
PhD Harvard University, 1966
Professional Memberships
Director, UIC Office of Social Science Research 1987-present
Assistant Director, National Institute of Justice
Co-Editor, Law and Policy Quarterly
Research grants and contracts from the Russell Sage Foundation, Institute of Medicine, Joyce Foundation, National Institute of Justice, Illinois General Assembly, Retirement Research
Foundation, Illinois Liquor Control Commission, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention