Noah J. Kaplan, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Political Science
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1122B BSB
1007 W. Harrison Street
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Selected Grants
University of Houston, Small Grant Program for Faculty Award, 2008
Selected Publications
“Comparing Cosponsorship and Roll-Call Ideal Points,” 2009. Aleman, Eduardo, Ernesto Calvo, Mark Jones and Noah Kaplan. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34(1): 87-116.
“Vote for Charity’s Sake,” 2008. Edlin, Aaron, Andrew Gelman and Noah Kaplan. The Economists’ Voice, 5(6).
“Voting as a Rational Choice: Why and How People Vote to Improve the Well-Being of Others,” 2007. Edlin, Aaron, Andrew Gelman and Noah Kaplan. Rationality and Society, 19(3): 293-314.
“Dialogue in American Political Campaigns? An Examination of Issue Convergence in Candidate Television Advertising,” 2006. Kaplan, Noah, David Park and Travis Ridout. American Journal of Political Science, 50(3): 724-736.
Notable Honors
2000 - 2002, ISERP Graduate Fellowship, Columbia University
1997 - 2002, President's Fellowship, Columbia University
1996 - 1997, Graduate School Fellowship, Columbia University
2000, Travel Scholarship, University of California, Santa Barbara
2024, Faculty Mentor of the Year Award, UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research
PhD Columbia University, 2004
MPA Columbia University, 1998
Professional Memberships
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Institute, Washington University, 2003.
Political Methodology Summer Conference Invitee, 2001.
Research Currently in Progress
American Politics: Public Opinion, Political Communication, Campaigns and Elections, Representation, and Quantitative Methodology.