Andrew McFarland, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Political Science
Building & Room:
1123 BSB
1007 W. Harrison Street
Office Phone:
CV Download:
Fields of Interest:
Interest Groups, Public Policy, Social Movements; New forms of political participation: civic reform, transnational networks, political consumerism
Selected Grants
Formas (Sweden), Grant (with Michele Micheletti), 2007
Riksbankens Jubileumfond (Sweden), Grant (with Michele Micheletti), 2007
Russell Sage Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation Grant, 1983-84
Selected Publications
Creative Participation: Responsibility-Taking in a Political World, co-edited with Michele Micheletti: Boulder, CO, Paradigm Publishers, 2010. Paperback expected 2012.
Boycotts and Dixie Chicks: Creative Participation at Home and Abroad; Boulder, CO, Paradigm Publishers, 2010. Paperback March 2011.
Neopluralism: The Evolution of Political Process Theory, Lawrence, Kansas, University Press of Kansas; 2004.
Social Movements and American Political Institutions; co-edited with Anne N. Costain; Lanham, Md., Rowman Littlefield; 1998.
Professional Leadership
Acting Chair (1995 - 96), Department of Political Science, UIC
Acting Head (1997 - 99), Department of Political Science, UIC
Notable Honors
1986-87; 2007-2008, Humanities Institute Fellowship, University of Illinois at Chicago
PhD University of California, Berkeley, 1966