Petia Kostadinova, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor
Political Science
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1007 W. Harrison Street
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Selected Grants
EUSA Academic Workshop Funding to organize an academic workshop, Academic Workshop on Fortress Europe or E Pluribus Unum?: Multilevel Governance and the Governance of Migration and Asylum in the EU., *
UIUC European Union Center, Programming Fortress Europe or E Pluribus Unum?: Multilevel governance and the governance of migration and asylum in the EU., *
UIUC European Union Center, Travel Grant Funding to support field work in Brussels, Belgium, *
European Commission Jean Monnet Program, Jean Monnet Course Module. Funding to support the development and teaching of a new course on the European Union at the University of Florida., *
European Union Commission, European Union Commission Academic Outreach Grant - Funding to support the development of four distinct outreach workshops and events to be organized by the CES at University of Florida, *
Selected Publications
Kostadinova, Petia and Amie Kreppel. “Loyal Agent or Shirking Partner: Understanding the Policy Goals of Individual Members in the Council of the European Union” Journal of European Public Policy. Published online Oct 27, 2021
Giurcanu, Magda and Petia Kostadinova. 2021. “A responsive relationship? Setting the political agenda in the European Union.” Journal of European Public Policy. Published online on July 19, 2021.
Dragomir Stoyanov and Petia Kostadinova. 2021. “Bulgarian political parties and European integration: from anticommunism to Euroscepticism” European Politics and Society 22(2): 222-236.
Kostadinova, Petia and Kjell Engelbrekt (eds). 2020. Bulgaria’s Democratic Institutions at Thirty: A Balance Sheet. Lexington Press.
Kostadinova, Petia, and Robert Thomson. 2020. “Parties in Government” in Costello, Rory and Neil Robinson, eds. Comparative European Politics. Distinctive Democracies, Common Challenges. Oxford University Press.
Kostadinova Petia and Magda Giurcanu. 2020. “Europarties’ election pledges and European Commission legislative priorities: An assessment of their overlap” Party Politics 26(6): 795-806.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2020. “Representation Trends in Pledge Making: Do Election Promises Reflect Distinctions between Political Parties in Bulgaria?” in Engelbrekt, Kjell and Petia Kostadinova, eds. Bulgaria’s Democratic Institutions at Thirty: A Balance Sheet. Lexington Press.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2019. “Influential News: Impact of Print Media Reports on the Fulfillment of Election Promises.” Political Communication 36(3): 412–425.
Kostadinova, Petia, and Magda Giurcanu. 2018. “Capturing the Legislative Priorities of the Transnational Europarties and the European Commission: a pledge approach.” European Union Politics 19(2): 363–379.
Thomson, Robert, Terry Royed, Elin Naurin, Joaquin Artes, Rory Costello, Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik, Mark Ferguson, Petia Kostadinova, Catherine Moury, Francois Petry, Katrin Praprotnik. 2017. “The Fulfillment of Parties’ Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing.” American Journal of Political Science 61: 527–542.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2017. “Party pledges in the news: Which election promises do the media report?” Party Politics 23(6): 636–645.
Kostadinova, Tatiana and Petia Kostadinova. 2016. “Party Promises, Voter Understanding, and Mandate Responsiveness in East European Politics.” Politics and Policy 44(1): 5–34.
Kostadinova, Petia and Magda Giurcanu. 2015. “Political Blackmail, Institutional Infighting and Electoral Politics: The Fate of Governing Parties during the Great Recession (2008-12) in Romania and Bulgaria.” Politics and Policy 43(6): 789–821.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2015. “Improving the Transparency and Accountability of EU Institutions-The Impact of the Office of the European Ombudsman.” Journal of Common Market Studies 53(5): 1077–1093.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2014. “Social Policy Arrangements across Europe: continuing disparities between social models in the EU?” L’Europe en formation 372(Été 2014 – Summer 2014): 33–50.
Kostadinova, Petia. 2013. “Democratic Performance in Post-communist Bulgaria: Election Pledges and Levels of Fulfillment, 1997-2005.” East European Politics 29(2): 190–207.
Dimitrova, Daniela, and Petia Kostadinova. 2013. “Identifying Antecedents of the Strategic Game Frame: A Longitudinal Analysis.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 90(1): 75–88.
Kostadinova, Petia, and Daniela Dimitrova. 2012. “Communicating Policy Change: Media Framing of Economic News in Post-Communist Bulgaria.” European Journal of Communication 27(2): 171–186.
Dimitrova, Daniela, and Petia Kostadinova. 2012. “Use of Sources in Newspaper Coverage of the 2009 Bulgarian Parliamentary Elections.” Central European Journal of Communication 1: 81–92.
Service to Community
Ph.D. Political Science, Florida State University, 2002