UIC Political Science Hosts Workshop on Violence against Public Figures in Democracies

University Hall, surrounded by trees

Last weekend, Professor Juan Albarracin and UIC POLS, in partnership with the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), brought together scholars from several American, European, and Latin American universities and research institutes to discuss this topic of enormous current relevance on UIC's campus.

The Political Science department was very well represented with extraordinary research from Dr. Juan Albarracín, Dr. Andreas Feldmann, and Dr. Alexandra Filindra! Additionally, graduate students Rodrigo Moura Karolczak, Angela Hernández Moreno, Kenny Sanguino Cuellar, Ignacio Borba, Sebastian Tobon Palma, and Elif Baba, were in attendance and many served as discussants. The quality of their comments and engagement, as well as the incredible and growing research community we are building at UIC on topics of organized violence were noted by external attendees. Join us in celebrating this successful workshop!

Read more about the event in this article from our co-organizers!