Department of Political Science
Bylaws and POLS Administrative Policies and Requests Heading link
Instructor Course Consent Forms - Undergraduate and Graduate
Please share the below linked course consent forms with your students when needed.
Consent form for POLS 301, POLS 303 and POLS 305
Consent form for POLS 497, POLS 498, POLS 593, POLS 596 and POLS 599
For Zero hours of 599 you must also submit a Graduate College Petition
Dept. Travel Info
All travel (domestic and international) must be approved by the Department Head using the Department Travel Approval Request form linked below. In that form, you can request that the department purchase your travel accommodations, or let us know you will be submitting a reimbursement.
All international travel must be also registered with the Office of Global Engagement prior to your departure.
Department Travel Approval Request Form – REQUIRED for all Faculty/Staff travel on behalf of the University/Department. This is not for Graduate Students.
Graduate Student Travel is requested using this form.
UofI System Travel Policies regarding reimbursements can be found here.
Restricted Party Screening - Visual Compliance
Restricted Party Screening is used for international travel and collaboration. This is required. Training and individual folder access can be found here. Access is only for POLS Faculty and you may need to log in using your UIC credentials.
Purchasing Info
Please use the forms linked below to request the Department Administration team initiate a purchase on your behalf using the department credit card/University Purchasing tools. All purchases/contracts above $10,000 must go through College and System level approval.
Department Purchasing Request FormÂ
Examples of what you would use this form for:
- Books
- Office Supplies/Furniture
- Association Membership Fees
- Conference Registration Fees
- Requesting contracts for a Vendor for services like, book editing, indexing, surveying, etc.
- Technology Equipment – USB/USB-C/HDMI adapters (equipment not associated with your 410FCT Computer purchase).
- Food for a University sponsored event you are taking part in hosting.
Computer Purchases (410FCT Computer purchase)
Use the form linked below if you are due for a new University purchased computer. Every 4 years, the University will provide each bargaining unit position a new computer not to exceed $1,600 (plus the cost of a four-year extended warranty) to be chosen from a set of available and supported configurations from the campus office of Technology Solutions or Learning Technology Support (LTS). Please select from the LAS IT Recommended Devices.
Department Computer Purchase Request Form
Department Policy Regarding Non-UIC Speakers
Please complete the form linked below to notify the Political Science Department that you will be having a non-UIC speakers for on-campus events, and, insofar as they are relevant, to virtual events.
International Visitors –Â The Office of Global Engagement must be involved whenever any faculty member invites any international visitor or speaker to campus. At a minimum, faculty must follow existing campus policy stating that all international visitors to campus must be cleared with the Office of Global Engagement through completion of the online form.Â
POLS Non-UIC Speaker Notification Form – Complete to notify the department you will have an outside visitor and request services for them (parking, rooms for the event, etc.)
Department of Political Science University of Illinois at Chicago Policy Regarding Non-UIC Speakers – Adopted 3 May 2024 – MUST BE SHARED WITH ALL OUTSIDE VISITORS TO THE DEPARTMENTÂ
The Department supports the UIC Policy on Open Expression, including the commitment to maintaining “an environment in which a variety of ideas can be reasonably proposed and critically examined,” and “the right to demonstrate in a peaceful and non-disruptive manner.”
Honorarium Payments
Please use the form below to request that the Department Administration team initiate a Honorarium Payment on your behalf using the department credit card/University Purchasing tools. This will be routed to the Department Head for approval.
This form should be used for Honorarium payments. An honorarium is a one-time payment of $5,000 or less, made to an individual who is not an employee of the University of Illinois System for a special and non-recurring activity or event for which no remuneration is collectible by law. Honoraria are typically paid to persons of scholarly or professional standing to show appreciation for participation in U of I System educational, research, or public service activities. If payment is negotiated and agreed upon, this is considered a contractual agreement and should be processed as a payment for professional services, not as an honorarium. More information can be found here.
If this is the first time this individual will be receiving an honoraria payment from the UIC, please allow for additional processing time.
POLS Honorarium Payments Request Form Â
Department Webstie
Please use the forms linked below to submit content to be updated and/or considered for the website.
Profile Update FormsÂ
Faculty Website Profile Update Form
Graduate Student Website Profile Update Form
Content Submission Forms
Graduate Student Accomplishment Form
Department Classrooms and Office Information
Faculty Office Maintenance RequestsÂ
Faculty members can enter their own office maintenance requests through FMWeb. All University employees should be able to login into FMWeb using their University NetID and password. The Facilities Management team will complete non-billable requests such as door closure adjustments, plumbing problems, heat and air conditioning adjustments, broken windows, power outages, vacuum/sweep floors, etc. They will not clean off your desk or empty your trash. Please visit Facilities Management for more information.
Classrooms 1115 and 1171
To connect to the technology, you will need to connect your laptop to the podium using an HDMI cord for just the projector, and use the USB cords for camera and mic set up. Please email Deanndra Leuver ( or put a ticket in with LAS IT, if you need instructions on how to use the technology. Below are policies to keep in mind when using the rooms.
- If an HDMI to USB-C adapter is needed, email Courtney Hennington ( and Deanndra Petraitis ( at least 48 hours before you need it, and the department adapter will be signed out to you.
- Please be sure to have students clean up after themselves.
- Classes are scheduled in 1115 and 1171 5 days a week. If you need to use the room and are not scheduled, please sign up on the form posted outside of each room and email Courtney Hennington ( and Deanndra Petraitis ( the dates/times you will be needing the room. If you do not send an email as well, we can’t guarantee that the room will be open.
- The department is responsible for opening the rooms 10 minutes before a scheduled class/event, and the instructor/person who signed up to use the room is responsible for closing the doors when finished. When the department opens the doors, the doors will be pre-locked and will lock automatically when they close. It is crucial that the doors are closed and locked when the room is unoccupied.
- If the doors aren’t unlocked or you are locked out, please reach out to Courtney Hennington (, Deanndra Petraitis (, and Evan McKenzie ( and they will coordinate to let you back in the room.